
Data according to § 5 TMG:

pHenomenal DRINKS 
Hendrik Schaulin, Inhaber
Essener Strasse 4
D-22419 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (40) 9876 88 96
Fax:      +49 (40) 9876 88 97

VAT-ID according to §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE290 399 879

Organic-certified by board of control DE-ÖKO 039

Product liability insurance information:

Name and residency of the firm:
Uwe & Frank Ostwald OHG
Office Düsseldorf
Am Seestern 8
40547 Düsseldorf
Telefon: 0211 / 93389-12

© Copyright
All text, logos, pictures and photographs on this website are copyrighted and owned as intellectual property of Peter Hundert and Hendrik Schaulin.
None of the content of this page, its ideas and designs may be used without the explicit and detailed permission of at least one of the owners.

Access to this site does not confer and shall not be considered as conferring any license under any of pHenomenal TONIC’s intellectual property rights.

*dear Visitor is running google analytics. This means that not only various Governments (hi!) will be able to see your activity here, what you would just like to drink and maybe your every thought – yes right n o w, but also, we can.
Please do not be afraid especially about the latter, as at least we are not disclosing the usage information of this website to anyone, and everything else, too, is for the sake of the good course.
Thank you.