GIN SUL is Stephan Garbe’s distilled love letter to Portugal. Juniper, Lemons and the cistus or aromatic gum rockrose grown on the barren terrain of the steep cliffs along the Costa Vicentina are distilled at the Altonaer Spirtuosen Manufaktur to express Stephan’s very personal vision of ‚saudade’. we have met Stephan on the second day Gin Sul was open for business, then put our products together in the same glass only to discover how wonderfully they pair together to make the only true Hamburg Style Gin & Tonic.
content 500ml, Alc. 43,0% Vol.
No sales to persons under the age of 18 years.
produced by:
ASM Altonaer Spirituosen Manufaktur GmbH Bahrenfelder Steindamm 2, D-22761 Hamburg